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  • 玻璃钢净化塔
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    ACF(碳纤维)是继广泛使用的粉末活性炭、颗粒活性炭之后的第三代新型吸附材料,它是由纤维为原料制成,具有比表面积大、孔径适中、分布均匀、吸附速度快、杂质少等优点;被广泛运用于水净化、空气净化、航空、军事、核工业、食品等行业;活性炭纤维毡用于有机溶剂的回收,对于从气相分离回收有机溶剂,如对苯类、酮类、酯类、石油类的废气均能从气相吸附回收。用活性炭纤维作溶剂回收材料吸附脱附速度快、处理量大,回收溶剂质量高,回收率可达90%以上。能够吸附的有机物有:烃类(苯、甲苯、二甲苯、三甲苯、正己烷、环己烷 等) ,卤代烃(氯甲烷、二氯甲烷、三氯甲烷、三氯乙烯、三氯乙烷、溴甲烷、 四氯化等),醛酮类(丙酮、环己酮、甲醛、乙醛、糠醛等),酯类(醋酸乙酯、醋酸丁酯等),醚类(甲醚、乙醚、甲乙醚等) ,醇类(甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇、丁醇等),聚合用单体(氯乙烯等)

    The traditional activated carbon is a kind of after activation treatment of porous carbon, for powder or granular, and activated carbon fiber is a fibrous, be full of microporous fiber, its adsorption ability of organic gas than granular activated carbon in the air high several times or more, in aqueous solution with high 5 ~ 6 times, quick absorption rates, 100 ~ 1000 times! Don't have an exact numerical value, this and the types of activated carbon fibers, production process and so on. It is a new generation after activated carbon adsorption material, its use is only in recent 20 years, only a few countries in the world capable of producing. Its products can be silk, paper and blanket, cloth and other forms, the market price of the activated carbon fiber in 400000 / tons, is more than a dozen times to dozens times of active carbon, coal activated carbon prices in 10000 / tons, coconut shell activated carbon price at around 20000 / ton). But because of its light weight, its products cost just slightly higher. In industry with its strong adsorption ability to recycling organic solvent, purify air, purify the water.
    ACF (carbon fiber) is the use of powder activated carbon, granular activated carbon after the third generation of new adsorption material, it is made from fiber as raw materials, has a large specific surface area, pore size is moderate, uniform distribution, adsorption speed, less impurity, etc; Is widely used in water purification, air purification, aviation, military, nuclear industry, food and other industries; Activated carbon fiber felt used for organic solvent recovery, the recovery of organic solvent separation from gas phase, such as benzene, ketones, esters, petroleum gas can from the gas phase adsorption recycling. By using activated carbon fiber for solvent recovery material adsorption stripping speed, large capacity, recovered solvents are of good quality, the recovery rate can reach more than 90%. To adsorption of organic compounds are: hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene, three toluene, n-hexane, cyclohexane, etc.), halogenated hydrocarbon (methyl chloride, methylene chloride, chloroform, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, methyl bromide, tetrachloride, etc.), aldehyde ketone, acetone, cyclohexanone, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, furfural, etc.), esters (ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, etc.), ethers (methyl ether, ethyl ether, methyl ether, etc.), alcohols (methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, butyl alcohol, etc.), polymerization with monomer (vinyl chloride)
    Used for air purification, which can effectively remove the stench of various harmful substances in the air, especially the carcinogen, species of aromatic compounds (such as benzene, formaldehyde) can make the air clean and fresh.

    版权所有:常州蓝阳环保设备有限公司 销售热线:0519-81660866 24小时服务热线:189-9499-8777 地址:常州新北王下村民营工业园58号
    备案号: 苏ICP备16030323号-26号 蓝阳专注 光催化废气处理